Altered cellular metabolism contributes to the pathogenesis of many common diseases, such as cardiovascular disease, cancer, diabetes, and autoimmune disorders, which are prevalent in Oklahoma. This Center for Cellular Metabolism Research in Oklahoma (CMRO) Phase I COBRE is established to unify OMRF’s metabolism-related resources and expertise to support junior investigators and to foster more cellular metabolism research and multidisciplinary scientific interactions overall in Oklahoma.
The CMRO will provide an exciting opportunity to unify these Project Leaders and to support the growth of their independent careers toward R01-type funding. The leadership team of the COBRE has established records of multidisciplinary research and mentoring experience, as well as expertise and interest in cellular metabolism research.
Our Project Leaders will work synergistically with each other by regularly sharing their research findings, technological advice, and unique model systems. This COBRE centralizes new and existing equipment to support the Project Leaders’ research and will leverage expertise from multidisciplinary mentoring teams across three OMRF Research Programs that are committed to their success.
We aim to develop a critical mass of investigators who can secure external funding to support their research while creating a new, exciting, multidisciplinary and collaborative environment for sustained competitive research on cellular metabolism in Oklahoma.
These goals will be accomplished through the following Specific Aims:
Aim 1: Support five promising young Project Leaders to scientific independence through incorporation of cellular metabolism research in their labs.
Aim 2: Promote novel multidisciplinary research focusing on cellular metabolism through mentoring the junior Project Leaders from three different OMRF Research Programs.
Aim 3: Integrate existing and new resources through Core facilities that support cellular metabolism research.
Aim 4: Promote an environment that supports the success and development of an independent sustainable center